영어 교실 1037

학기 내내 학생 훈육에 아무 어려움이 없게 된 비결(humorplaster castroboteacher)

학기 내내 학생 훈육에 아무 어려움이 없게 된 비결 humorplaster castroboteacher RoboTeacher A school teacher injured his back and had to wear a plaster cast around the upper part of his body. It fit under his shirt and was not noticeable at all. On the first day of the term, still with the cast under his shirt, he found himself assigned to the toughest studen..

영어 교실 2012.11.30

학업성취도에 가장 크게 영향을 미치는 세가지 요소(Bill&Melinda Gates Foundationeducationstudent achievementcritical practices for student ...

학업성취도에 가장 크게 영향을 미치는 세가지 요소 Bill&Melinda Gates Foundationeducationstudent achievementcritical practices for student achievement As part of a Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation initiative to learn more about effective teachers, Ferguson measured what qualities most teachers THINK matter most against what he observed in over 3,000 classroom..

영어 교실 2012.11.28

비만의 원인이 운동부족 때문이라고?(to be fatbrainhormoneobesitygrehlinleptin)

비만의 원인이 운동부족 때문이라고? to be fatbrainhormoneobesitygrehlinleptin We are constantly told it's a consequence of eating too much and not moving enough. But scientists believe our brains could also be making us fat. In a new study, researchers from the University of Michigan suggest some of us have brains that are wired differently, meaning they don’t ..

영어 교실 2012.11.26

인생에서 성공하는 방법 (2) 우리를 힘들게 하는 사람들은 천사(never stop learninglearningsuccessful life)

인생에서 성공하는 방법 (2) 우리를 힘들게 하는 사람들은 천사 never stop learninglearningsuccessful life How to Be Successful in Life ② I have come to the conclusion that learning is the fundamental activity in a successful and purposeful life. If we fail to learn, we fail to grow, and this means that we die. Life gives us endless opportunities to learn..

영어 교실 2012.11.21

인생에서 성공하는 방법(1) - 나의 삶을 이끄는 리더십(leadershiphow to be a good leadersuccessful life)

인생에서 성공하는 방법(1) - 나의 삶을 이끄는 리더십 leadershiphow to be a good leadersuccessful life How to Be Successful in Life ① Be a Good Leader We cannot be effective in any area of life unless we have good leadership skills. Leadership is an art and each of us needs to find our own approach to it. Primarily, we need to understand how to lead ourselv..

영어 교실 2012.11.19