영어 교실 1037

애초에 이걸 위해 기도했더라면(prayerbe the change you wish to see in the worldchange)

애초에 이걸 위해 기도했더라면 prayerbe the change you wish to see in the worldchange "I was a revolutionary when I was young and all my prayer to God was: 'Lord, give me the energy to change the world.'" "As I approached middle age and realized that half my life was gone without my changing a soul, I changed my prayer to:'Lord, give me the grace to change all thos..

영어 교실 2012.12.28

장수비결 - 죽음을 잊은 사람들이 사는 섬(The Island where people forget to dieIkarialongevityhealthsecret to live long)

장수비결 - 죽음을 잊은 사람들이 사는 섬 The Island where people forget to dieIkarialongevityhealthsecret to live long The Island where people forget to die The study would try to cut through the stories and establish the facts about Ikaria's longevity. Before including subjects, Poulain cross-referenced birth records against baptism or military documentation. A..

영어 교실 2012.12.21

영적 성장에 대한 조언 ② -기다려라 결국은 올 것이다(tips on spiritual growthaccept delayswaiting)

영적 성장에 대한 조언 ② -기다려라 결국은 올 것이다 tips on spiritual growthaccept delayswaiting Tips on Spiritual Growth ② - Accept Delays There are times when we need to be still. Impatience or frustration will not help any situation. Desired changes sometime take time to unfold. You may feel like you are ready to jump into a new arena. but wait. The s..

영어 교실 2012.12.20

미진한 부분 - 지금 종결지으세요(tips on spiritual growthtie up loose endsunresolved problems)

미진한 부분 - 지금 종결지으세요 tips on spiritual growthtie up loose endsunresolved problems Tips on Spiritual Growth ① - Tie Up Loose Ends Unresolved issues eat away at us emotionally and mentally. Tackle troubling things that need dealt with and put them to rest. In the meanwhile, learn not to allow future problems to be ignored. Our wounds fester when they ar..

영어 교실 2012.12.17