English Dictation 68

한국 전통 문화, 세계무형유산으로 등재(UNESCO Recognizes Korean Cultural Traditions)

한국 전통 문화, 세계무형유산으로 등재 (UNESCO Recognizes Korean Cultural Traditions) Three Korean traditions were recognized for their cultural significance by UNESCO on November 28. Taekkyeon (traditional Korean martial art), jultagi (tightrope wa l k ing) and the making of mosi (Korean fabric) were given “intangible cultural heritage status” by the United..

English Dictation 2012.03.08

세상에서 가장 가벼운 소재 개발(Scientists Make World’s Lightest Material)

세상에서 가장 가벼운 소재 개발 (Scientists Make World’s Lightest Material) Scientists have made the lightest material ever. It is called Ultralight Metallic Microlattice. The material was developed by scientists at HRL Laboratories, the California Institute of Technology and the University of California, Irvine. The material ①______ ______ ______ ______ extrem..

English Dictation 2012.03.02