영문 단편 소설을 만나보는 Short Stories 시간입니다. 지난 시간에 이어 헤밍웨이의 "살인자들(The Killers)" 함께 읽어볼까요? 우리말로 쓰인 부분이 원문에서는 어떻게 쓰였는지 추론해보면서 읽는 것 잊지 마세요!
The door to the kitchen opened and the nigger came in. "What was it?" he asked. The two men at the counter ~을 보았다 him.
"All right, nigger. You stand right there," Al said.
Sam, the nigger, standing in his apron, looked at the two men sitting at the counter. "Yes, sir," he said. Al ~에서 내려오다 his stool. "I'm going back to the kitchen with the nigger and bright boy," he said. "Go on back to the kitchen, nigger. You go with him, bright boy." The little man 따라가다 Nick and Sam, the cook, back into the kitchen. The door shut after them. |