Joy of reading

"살인자들(The Killers)" 함께 읽어보는 Short Stories

이산저산구름 2015. 6. 25. 08:19


헤밍웨이의 "살인자들(The Killers)" 함께 읽어보는 Short Stories 시간입니다. 저는 이걸 읽다 보니 살인청부업자의 이야기를 다룬 헤럴드 핀터의 희곡 “덤웨이터”와 “킬러들의 도시”라는 영화가 떠오르더라고요. 둘 다 흥미로운 작품이니 시간이 나실 때 감상해보는 것도 나쁘지 않을 것 같습니다! 그럼 이제 “살인자들” 함께 이어서 읽어볼까요? 우리말로 쓰인 부분이 원문에서는 어떻게 쓰였는지 추론해보면서 읽는 것 잊지 마세요!

"So he thinks it's all right." Max turned to Al. "He thinks it's all right. That's a good one."
"Oh, he's a thinker," Al said. They went on eating.
"What's the bright boy's name down the counter?" Al asked Max.
"Hey, bright boy," Max said to Nick. "You go around 반대쪽 of the counter with your boy friend."
"What's the idea?" Nick asked.
"There isn't any idea."
"You better go around, bright boy," Al said. Nick went around 카운터 뒤로.
"What's the idea?" George asked.
"아닌 your damn business," Al said. "Who's out in the kitchen?"
"The nigger."
"What do you mean the nigger?"
"The nigger that cooks."
