Joy of reading

밤에 먹기에 최악인 음식 13가지 – 1. 초콜렛

이산저산구름 2015. 5. 11. 04:59

밤에 먹기에 최악인 음식 13가지 – 1. 초콜렛



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<The 13 Worst Foods to Eat at Night -- 1. Chocolate>

Chocolate has caffeine though, especially dark chocolate. Caffeine is normally found in the cacao pods used to make chocolate. It is the same thing present in coffee which gives you that morning jolt and extra doses of energy throughout the day. It is a stimulant that improves mental alertness, reduces tiredness, and speeds up your metabolic rate – not exactly the things you want before heading to bed.


-  The Huffington Post



cacao pods 카카오 열매 꼬투리
jolt 충격을 주다, 정신이 번쩍 들게 하다
stimulant 흥분제
mental alertness 정신적 각성
metabolic rate 신진대사율