Joy of reading

2015년에 페이스북을 끊어야 하는 7가지 이유

이산저산구름 2015. 4. 24. 08:17

2015년에 페이스북을 끊어야 하는 7가지 이유



매주 금요일마다 찾아오는 Joy of Reading!
영어 읽기의 즐거움을 느껴 보세요.


<7 Reasons You Should Quit Facebook in 2015 - It Wastes Your Time>

It's estimated that the average casual user (17 minutes per day on Facebook) who has been active on the site for 10 years has wasted upwards of 40 entire days of their lives scrolling and liking and commenting on pictures and posts.

And more engaged users, who spend at least an hour a day on the site, have clocked 150 days feeding the Facebook beast during the same time. Think about how long you spend on the site each day, and what else could be a more productive use of your time.


-  New Zealand Herald



estimate 추산하다, 추정하다
casual 흔한, 평상시의
upwards of ~ ~넘게, ~이상으로
engaged 열심인, ~하고 있는
clock (경주 등에서 속도가 얼마의 시간을) 기록하다