퓰리처상 수상 작가 수전 글래스펠(Susan Glaspell)의 희곡, 사소한 것들(Trifles)을 만나보겠습니다. 지난 시간에 이어 어떤 이야기가 펼쳐지는지 함께 보실까요? 우리말로 쓰인 부분이 원문에서는 어떻게 쓰였을지 추론해보면서 읽는 것도 잊지 마세요!
COUNTY ATTORNEY: Somebody should have been left here yesterday.
SHERIFF: Oh -- yesterday. When I had to send Frank to Morris Center for that man who went crazy -- I want you to know I had my hands full yesterday. I knew you could get back from Omaha by today and as long as I went over everything here myself --
COUNTY ATTORNEY: Well, Mr. Hale, tell just what happened when you came here yesterday morning.
HALE: Harry and I had started to town with 한 무더기의 potatoes. We came along the road from my place and as I got here I said, "I'm going to see if I can't get John Wright to go in with me on a party telephone." I spoke to Wright about it once before and he 거절하다 me, saying folks talked too much anyway, and all he asked was peace and quiet -- I guess you know about how much he talked himself; but I thought maybe if I went to the house and talked about it before his wife, though I said to Harry that I didn't know as what his wife wanted made much difference to John -- |