Famous Stories

Short Stories - “마녀의 빵(Witches’ Loaves)”

이산저산구름 2016. 8. 11. 08:53


영문 단편 소설을 만나보는 Short Stories 시간입니다. 지난 시간에 이어 오 헨리의 작품인 “마녀의 빵(Witches’ Loaves)”을 함께 읽어볼까요? 우리말로 쓰인 부분이 원문에서는 어떻게 쓰였는지 추론해보면서 읽는 것도 잊지 마세요 :)



For a long time that day her mind dwelt on the subject. She imagined the scene when he should discover her little

He would
내려놓다 his brushes and palette. There would stand his easel with the picture he was painting in which the 원근법 was beyond criticism.

He would prepare for his luncheon of dry bread and water. He would slice into a loaf -- ah!
