Joy of reading

정신 건강에 관해 중요한 남녀 간의 차이

이산저산구름 2013. 12. 20. 09:19

정신 건강에 관해 중요한 남녀 간의 차이


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Let's talk about the gender differences that really matter ― in mental health

Those of the opinion that the abilities ― and thus the responsibilities ― of women and men are innately different have been encouraged by research recently published by a team at the University of Pennsylvania. Asserting that "males have better motor and spatial abilities, whereas females have superior memory and social cognition skills", the authors suggest that the explanation lies in the different ways in which the brains of men and women are wired.


innately 선천적으로
assert 주장하다
motor 은동 근육(신경), 원동력
spatial ability 공간 능력
cognition 인지, 지각