Joy of reading

20대에 가봐야 할 미국의 도시 – 알래스카 앵커리지 (2)

이산저산구름 2013. 12. 6. 08:29

20대에 가봐야 할 미국의 도시 – 알래스카 앵커리지 (2)


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20 Awesome U.S. Cities You Need To Visit In Your 20s (2) - Anchorage, Alaska

If you're looking for an adventure, you can't get much better than Anchorage. Anchorage has all the appeals of an urban city, with perfect proximity to untouched wilderness. While in the city, visit the Anchorage Museum, which recently received a $75 million renovation, or rent a bicycle and tour the city (which has been nicknamed "Bike Utopia") on wheels. Right outside Anchorage is Chugach State Park -- the perfect place to ski, hike, raft, camp or climb.


appeal 매력, 마음을 끄는 힘
urban 도시적인, 도심의
proximity 근접성, 가까움
untouched 아직 손대지 않은, 미개발의
A be nicknamed B A에게 B라는 별명이 붙여지다
raft 뗏목, ~를 뗏목으로 수송하다