Joy of reading

가봐야 할 미국의 도시 – 하와이 호놀룰루 (1)

이산저산구름 2013. 11. 29. 09:19

가봐야 할 미국의 도시 – 하와이 호놀룰루 (1)


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20 Awesome U.S. Cities You Need To Visit In Your 20s (1)
- Honolulu, Hawaii

Who doesn't want to go to Honolulu? The capital of Hawaii has been called the greenest city in America. Go to experience one of the most unique American cities, with a number of cultures mingling in one gorgeous city. Balance trips to museums, cultural centers and the Waikiki Aquarium (which is also a working marine biology laboratory) with relaxing rests on the stunning neighboring Waikiki beaches. A number of hostels and community centers make staying in Honolulu affordable for those who aren't exactly seeking out luxury.


mingle 어울리다, 섞이다
balance 균형을 맞추다, ~을 조화시키다
stunning 놀랄 만큼 아름다운, 멋진
neighboring 인접한
community center 시민 문화 회관