건강하게 나이드는 최고의 습관 - 하루 5분의 격렬한 운동
매주 금요일마다 찾아오는 Joy of Reading! 영어 읽기의 즐거움을 느껴 보세요.
Top 5 Habits for Healthy Aging - 2. Get 5 Minutes of Vigorous Exercise
Five minutes a day of vigorous exercise may seem like a ridiculously small amount, but consider this: a small 2013 study by University of Alabama at Birmingham researchers concluded that exercising just one day a week was sufficient to boost endurance and strength in a group of female subjects over the age of 60. After 16 weeks, the women doing resistance and aerobic exercise only once per week improved as much as those doing three times as much.
vigorous 격렬한 ridiculously 터무니없이, 어처구니없게 conclude ~을 종경하다, (~라고) 결론을 내리다 aerobic exercise 유산소 운동 resistance exercise 웨이트 트레이닝 | |