영어 교실

world news - One in Four Americans Has Been Addicted to Painkillers or Is Close to an Addict

이산저산구름 2016. 4. 20. 12:59

여러분은 진통제를 자주 찾는 편인가요? 병원에 가지 않고도 간편하게 통증을 잊게 해주는 진통제는 종류가 다양할 뿐만 아니라 편의점에만 가도 쉽게 구할 수 있죠. 그런데 미국에서 실시된 여론조사 결과에 따르면 진통제 중독이 생각보다 우리 가까이에 있는 것 같네요. 그럼 기사를 함께 읽어볼까요?

One in Four Americans Has Been Addicted to Painkillers or Is Close to an Addict

Doctors wrote 259 million opioid prescriptions for / by Americans in 2012, enough to medicate every adult in the country. Drug overdoses are eclipsing car crashes as a leading cause of accidental death for American adults.
vote / poll out today from the Kaiser Family Foundation adds a troubling new number to the accounting: 27 percent of Americans report that they either have been addicted to prescription painkillers or have a family member or close friend who has.
That's roughly 66 million U.S. adults for whom the opioid crisis has become
extensively / intensely personal.
The Kaiser Foundation interviewed 1,352 respondents from a national sample by phone. The poll has a margin of sampling error of plus or minus three percentage points.
