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world news - Evidence suggests huge ninth planet exists past Pluto at solar system's edge

이산저산구름 2016. 3. 30. 10:22

얼마 전 태양계 너머 명왕성보다 먼 곳에 9번째 행성이 존재한다는 증거가 알려져 화제가 되었습니다. 지구보다 열 배 이상 큰 덩치에도 불구하고 워낙 멀리 위치한 탓에 지금까지 그 존재가 감추어져 있었다는데요. 더 자세한 내용은 기사를 읽어보시죠~!

Evidence suggests huge ninth planet exists past Pluto at solar system's edge

If the researchers have their sums right, the mysterious new world is 10 times more massive than Earth and up to four times the size. Nicknamed Planet Nine, it moves on an extremely
elongated / prolonged orbit, and takes a staggering 10,000 to 20,000 years to swing once around the sun.
The icy world, if it exists, has evaded detection because it is so far away. Scientists at the California Institute of Technology (Caltech) calculate that the
closer / closest it comes to the sun is 15 times the distance to Pluto. It then heads into uncharted territory, 75 times further out than Pluto, or about 93 billion miles from the sun. A ray of light would take a week to get there.
“As a scientist, you should never believe your idea too much until someone else confirms it, but we’ve not been able to come up with any alternative,” he said. “Now we’ve public / publicly announced it, I’m sure many people will try their hand at coming up with other explanations.”
