영문 단편 소설을 만나보는 Short Stories 시간입니다. 지난 시간에 이어 헤밍웨이의 "병사의 고향(Soldier’s Home)" 함께 읽어볼까요? 우리말로 쓰인 부분이 원문에서는 어떻게 쓰였는지 추론해보면서 읽는 것 잊지 마세요!
Now he would have liked a girl if she had come to him and not wanted to talk. But 고향에서 it was all too complicated. He knew he could never …을 겪다 it all again. It was not worth the trouble. That was the thing about French girls and German girls. There was not all this talking. You couldn't talk much and you did not need to talk. It was simple and you were friends. He thought about France and then he began to think about Germany. 대체로 he had liked Germany better. He did not want to leave Germany. He did not want to come home. Still, he had come home. He sat on the front porch.