설퍼 머스타드가 무엇인지 아시나요? 맹독성 화학무기의 일종으로 겨자와 비슷한 냄새가 난다고 해서 겨자 가스로 불리며 수 분 이내에 세포변형을 일으키는 물질입니다. 요 근래 뉴스나 기사에서 들어보신 분들이 많으실 텐데요. 화학무기금지기구가 시리아에서 테러조직 ISIS가 겨자 가스를 사용해 아기를 사살했다고 추정하고 있습니다. 이 끔찍한 소식에 대해 함께 보시겠습니다.
War in Syria: Isis used mustard gas in Syrian town Marea ‘which killed a baby’
Inspectors have confirmed that mustard gas was used in Syria during / after fighting earlier this year, in areas that suggest Isis was responsible.
The confidence / confidential report by the Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW), which was leaked to the Reuters news agency, says that sulphur mustard – commonly known as mustard gas – was used in the town of Marea on 21 August.
“It is very likely that the effects of sulphur mustard resulted to / in the death of a baby,” it said. At the time, Isis and moderate rebel groups were fighting for control of the town, situated north of Aleppo. The OPCW was not mandated to apportion blame.