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<Gates Foundation Uses Art to Encourage Vaccination>
Artists, it’s fair to say, usually don’t know much about bacteria. Vik Muniz is an exception. Mr. Muniz, the Brazilian-born photographer known for his unorthodox materials, has been working with the M.I.T. bioengineer and designer Tal Danino on a series of trompe l’oeil images of microscopic organisms: cancer cells, healthy cells and bacteria.
At first glance, they look like ornate and colorful patterns. In reality, they represent teeming, living things. Among his latest: a pink print that could pass for floral wallpaper. But it’s made up of liver cells infected with the Vaccinia virus, which is used to make the smallpox vaccine.
어휘 vaccination 백신 접종, 예방 접종 It’s fair to say ~라 말하는 것은 정당하다 exception 예외 unorthodox 정통적이 아닌, 특이한 trompe l’oeil 트롱프뢰유(사람들이 실물인 줄 착각하도록 만든 그림・디자인) microscopic organism 미생물 at first glance 언뜻 보기에는 ornate 화려하게 장식된 teeming 바글거리는 pass for ~로 통하는 smallpox 천연두 soothing 달래는, 위로하는, 누그러뜨리는