Joy of reading

최정상 강아지를 만나다

이산저산구름 2014. 5. 2. 08:30


최정상 강아지를 만나다



매주 금요일마다 찾아오는 Joy of Reading!
영어 읽기의 즐거움을 느껴 보세요.

<Meet the Top Dogs>

Ambassador Oreck is a big Philip K Dick fan. Deckard is named after Rick Deckard, the protagonist of Dick’s sci-fi novel Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep? (which later became the film Blade Runner) because he more closely resembles a sheep than a dog.

Like all the embassy staff, six-year-old Deckard has his own security card so he can stroll around the grounds without interruption. His pass is yellow. “There are different colour passes for different levels of security,” the ambassador explains. “When Deckard came he was issued with a pass that had the highest level of security access. My marine attachment commander here decided that was wrong so they have given him the lowest level of access now. It must have been something he did!”


ambassador 대사, 사절
big fan
열렬한 팬
sci-fi novel
공상과학 소설
security card
보안 카드
한가로이 거닐다, 어슬렁거리다, 산책하다
marine attachment commander
해군 소속 지휘관


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