Joy of reading

96세Fred Stobaugh씨가 아내에게 바치는 노래로 YouTube에서 화제가 되다.

이산저산구름 2013. 9. 6. 10:07

96세Fred Stobaugh씨가 아내에게 바치는 노래로
YouTube에서 화제가 되다.


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96-year-old widower Fred Stobaugh becomes YouTube sensation with song 'Oh Sweet Lorraine'

Fred Stobaugh, a 96-year-old man from Peoria, Illinois has quickly become the latest viral video sensation. Stobaugh entered a singer-songwriter competition hosted this summer by a local recording studio, Green Shoe Studio. Although entries were supposed to be uploaded to YouTube for submission, Stobaugh read about the contest in the newspaper and went the old-fashioned route and mailed in a hand-written copy of a song he wrote in dedication to his wife of 72 years, Lorraine, who passed away in April.


viral 바이러스의, 퍼져나가는, 유행하는
sensation 큰 이야깃거리, 감동
host 주인, ~을 주최하다
entry 참가, 참가자
old-fashioned 구식의, 옛날 식의