Joy of reading

프랑스의 새 대통령, 프랑소와 올랑드 (3)

이산저산구름 2012. 6. 8. 11:12

프랑스의 새 대통령, 프랑소와 올랑드 (3)


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Mr. Hollande’s economic policies include raising taxes on the very rich, freezing fuel prices, increasing welfare payments and hiring 60,000 new teachers.

During the presidential campaign, Mr. Hollande’s slogan of “my enemy is the world of finance” raised eyebrows, especially in some European capitals, including London.

- Francois Hollande - New French President


freeze (가격 등을) 동결하다
presidential campaign 대통령 선거 운동
raise eyebrows 눈쌀을 찌푸리다; 못마땅해하다