사진 : The village's farm land has been fenced off for nearly a year | | 영국 BBC에서 대추리 농민들의 이야기를 기사로 다뤘습니다.
Eviction village: A farmer's tale 쫓겨나는 마을 : 농부의 이야기
A village near Pyeongtaek in South Korea has become subject to an eviction order to allow for an expansion of the neighbouring US army base, Camp Humphreys.
The government has offered compensation to the villagers of Daechuri - mostly farmers in their 60s and 70s - many of whom have accepted the offer and left the village.
However, there are those who have refused to leave their homes, saying that the compensation is not enough and their livelihoods are at stake.
An elderly farmer tells the story of the village's struggle for survival in an area that has been home to foreign troops since Japanese colonial rule.
남한 평택 인근의 마을이 캠프 험프리 미군기지 확장 때문에 퇴거명령을 받아들이게 되었다. 정부는 대추리 거주자들에게 보상을 하기로 했다. 그 마을의 대부분의 60-70대 농부들은 그 보상을 받아들이기로 하였으며, 그 마을을 떠나기로 결정하였다. 그러나 마을을 떠나기를 거부했던 농민들은 정부의 보상은 충분하지 않고 그들은 생계은 위험해 처해졌다고 말했다. 한 나이든 농민이 일본 식민지 이후 외국군기지가 된 마을에서 살아남기 위한 투쟁에 대해 이야기했다.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 대추리 태생인 김인순 할머니가 인터뷰 내용입니다. 김인순 할머니 가족이 겪은 미군폭력/범죄에 대한 이야기, 이주합의 이후 들었던 생각, 남아있는 대추리 주민과 함께 영원히 살기를 바라는 할머니의 마음이 진솔하게 잘 담아졌습니다.
![](http://newsimg.bbc.co.uk/media/images/42618000/jpg/_42618845_kim_203x250.jpg) Kim In-soon: I feel hurt and betrayed
"I was born and raised in the village of Daechuri and I spent all my life here.
I have a little bit of land, but I am too old and frail to work on it. A fellow farmer rented it from me and the money helped me to get by.
When I first heard that they were going to expand the US military base, my head started to hurt and I got very sick. I couldn't imagine living outside this village.
I am not a very social person and this life is all I know. My children live away from me and I can't work due to my age and poor health. I used to depend on the tenant who was working on my farm land.
But they took that land away. It has been empty and barren for the past year. With no money coming in, I had to rely on allowances from my children.
It's not just me. Everyone in the village is struggling to survive without land. We try to help each other, but it has been a very difficult year.
VILLAGE VOICES Daechuri's struggle in pictures
![](http://news.bbc.co.uk/nol/shared/spl/hi/pop_ups/07/asia_pac_south_korea_eviction_village/img/1.jpg) In pictures : http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/shared/spl/hi/pop_ups/07/asia_pac_south_korea_eviction_village/html/1.stm
We have been fighting for several years to save our village and we had hope. But after I heard the result of the latest negotiations with the government, I was shocked.
We must move out of the village no matter what. The news made me lose my sleep and I started to get headaches. I went to the hospital and the doctor told me that I was overstressed.
My neighbour and friend told me that she is not going to move with the rest of us to the resettlement area because her health is very poor and she will go to live with her daughter in the city. I have to say goodbye to my land, my home and my friends.
The government tells us that they will help us resettle, but I don't believe them. Last month, we all went to the place where they are going to build us new homes.
It's barren and empty. It looks very depressing. And there won't be a health centre. And before that's built, they plan to put us in a temporary accommodation.
History of evictions
This is the third time our village is being evicted. My family first lost their land during the Japanese colonial rule. The Japanese took it to build military facilities.
The second time was during the Korean war when the original US base was built.
![](http://newsimg.bbc.co.uk/media/images/42607000/gif/_42607077_skorea_pyeongtaek_0207.gif) - Dec 2004: The Korean government releases plans to give extra 2,851 acres to the US Army base in Pyeongtaek - Dec 2005: The government approves the seizure of the village of Daechuri - March 2006: Villagers resist two forceful eviction attempts, in which several human rights activist are detained - May 2006: Up to 130 people are reported injured after 13,000 riot police and 3000 troops are deployed against campaigners and farmers - Feb 2007: The government says that villagers have agreed to vacate their homes by 31 March 2007 We had no choice but to move out - our farm land was literally next to the military runways. It was awkward and noisy.
I was only 17 years old. I was living with my parents, my brother, his wife and our younger siblings.
Back then, the men had to go to the army for military service so only the women stayed in the village. We couldn't even fight to protect our land.
They set fire to our house. People packed their belongings and moved out. Many elderly died. We received no compensation.
My brother's wife was raped by a US soldier, while my brother was serving in the Korean army. Three other women from the village were raped. one of them still lives here.
In May last year, when the police and military came to barbwire our land away from us, I wanted to die. I couldn't believe they are doing this to us again.
I am in pain when I think what's happening to us. Some people say that our village is worth nothing compared to the value of the land in central Seoul that will be returned to the government once the US military moves here. I find that odd and heartbreaking.
So the land in the city is much more valuable than our livelihood? We turned these tidal flats into rich, arable land with our own hands, to be kicked out again and again. I feel hurt and betrayed. I feel forgotten.