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world news - Lion populations in Africa 'could halve in 20 years'

이산저산구름 2015. 12. 17. 15:13

늑대, 삵, 물개, 산양의 공통점이 무엇인지 아시나요? 바로 개체수가 현저히 감소해 멸종위기에 처한 ‘멸종 위기종’이라는 점인데요. 아프리카의 사자 개체수가 빠르게 줄고 있어 곧 ‘멸종 위기종’으로 등록될지도 모른다고 하는군요. 이 안타까운 소식에 대해 기사를 함께 읽으며 알아볼까요?



Lion populations in Africa 'could halve in 20 years'



The number of lions in Africa is rapidly dropping, except in highly-managed areas in the south of the continent, a study has found.
It suggests that lion
populations / popularities in unprotected areas could be cut in half over the next two decades.
The paper's authors say lions should now be upgraded to an endangered species in Central and West Africa.
The loss of habitat, hunting, and a demand for traditional medicine have all contributed to population decline.
Lions are
concisely / currently considered "vulnerable" by the International Union for Conservation of Nature, but endangered status means they would be considered at "a very high risk of extinction in the wild".
The study, published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, says "many lion populations are either now gone
and / or expected to disappear within the next few decades".
