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world news - Drinking alcohol lowers heart attack risk, but increases cancer chance

이산저산구름 2015. 10. 8. 09:53

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Drinking alcohol lowers heart attack risk, but increases cancer chance

Alcohol consumption protects against heart attacks, but increases the risk of many cancers and the likelihood of being injured, a global study has / was found.

The research, which followed the progress / regression of 114,970 participants for about four years, showed that drinking alcohol was associated with an overall 24% reduced risk of heart attack.

Moderate drinkers were more protected than either light or heavy drinkers, but the study found that compared with not drinking, alcohol consumption led to a 51% increased risk of developed / developing certain cancers. These included cancers of the mouth, oesophagus, stomach, bowel, liver, breast, ovary and head and neck.
