<Mockingjay Director
Francis Lawrence on Reworking Philip Seymour Hoffman’s Part and Getting His Star
to Sing>
When she had to sing a song
in the movie, "The Hanging Tree," was she able to switch the same
She could.
There are very few times when Jen gets nervous about stuff she has to do on set,
and the singing was that kind of a thing. I knew she didn't love the idea of
singing, but I didn't realize how nervous she was until when we started the
first take, and she was in tears. Not totally broken down, but she was unhappy.
I didn't have to talk her into it, she was going to do it, she knew it was her
job, but she just wasn't happy about it. "Oh man, I've got to actually sing! In
front of 150 people!" She would have much rather we used somebody else's voice.
I think she said she wanted Lorde to do it! [Laughs.] But see, the thing on top
of all of it is, it shouldn't sound like a professional. It should sound like a
real girl singing. So she did it. She did it all day. And she has a really cool
sound to her voice. There's kind of a raspy texture to it. So it was not
terrible in the slightest. [Laughs.]