You Almost Never Dream About Money>
But before we
congratulate ourselves on being phenomenally high-minded, we need to dig a
little deeper. For one thing, materialism creeps onto the dream list in the form
of “beach house” in Alabama; in the fourth richest state in America,
Connecticut, “shopping” and “malls” make the top-five list. “Cruise ship” sneaks
onto the list in Florida.
dreams are rarely literal—and thankfully so because on the list of popular dream
subjects we find cheating, adultery, cemetery, and murder. If you dream about
doors opening or being given the keys to an important room—that may be dreaming
about a cash windfall, says dream expert Kelly Sullivan Walden, author of It’s
All in Your Dreams. And, she says, “If you’re stressed about money in your
waking life, you might find yourself dreaming of a leaky faucet, animals
fighting over food, or your teeth falling