vocabulary challenge

교사가 부모에게 말할 수 없는 10가지

이산저산구름 2014. 6. 27. 08:14

교사가 부모에게 말할 수 없는 10가지


매주 금요일마다 찾아오는 Joy of Reading!
영어 읽기의 즐거움을 느껴 보세요.

<10 things teachers want to say to parents, but can't>


9.  Fine. Don't do the homework

Homework is – and always will be – a tug-of-war between parents and teachers in primary school. A lot of parents complain when there's too much of it. Or when there's not enough of it. Or when it's too easy. Or hard. You complain when parents are expected to help with it and you complain when it's designed to be completed independently and your child struggles with this. You complain when your kid has "mislaid" it and it hasn't miraculously reappeared in her book-bag, the night before it is due. I will be sure to forward all these complaints to the school governing body, which wrote the homework policy in the first place. In the meantime, I'll just get on with all of the piles of marking.


tug-of-war 줄다리기, 주도권 싸움, 결전
be designed to ~
하도록 제작되다, ~하도록 고안되다
보내다, 전달하다
school governing body
get on with ~
in the meantime 사이에
mark (
영국) (과제물을) 검사하다    


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