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Blood test may predict onset of Alzheimer’s and related disease, new study finds
Their study, described Sunday in the journal Nature Medicine, identifies 10 lipids in the blood that predict onset of the disease. Researchers tested the blood of 525 people age 70 and older over five years, 74 of whom either began the study meeting the criteria or later developed the criteria for mild Alzheimer’s disease or a memory loss condition known as amnestic mild cognitive impairment that is often a precursor to Alzheimer’s. Among those who developed the disease, the researchers discovered the presence of 10 lipids that were abnormal and that predicted with more than 90 percent accuracy the onset of the disease.
-http://www.washingtonpost.com/ | |
어휘 lipid 지질, 지방질 onset (특히 불쾌한 일의)시작 criteria (criterion의 복수형) 기준, 표준 mild 가벼운, 경도의 amnestic 건망증의 cognitive 인식의, 인지의 impairment (신체적∙정신적)장애 precursor 선도자, 전조현상 abnormal 비정상적인