Joy of reading

한 경제학자가 점심을 사다 (2) 

이산저산구름 2012. 11. 16. 11:24

한 경제학자가 점심을 사다 (2)


매주 금요일마다 찾아오는 Joy of Reading!
영어 읽기의 즐거움을 느껴 보세요.

If we care about food, we have to care about economic reasoning. The novel idea of this book is that knowing some dry scientific economics helps make every meal count in a deeply human way and it helps you realize - counterintuitively - that a lot of the best food is cheap rather than expensive.
Throughout, to find better eating, I will use this economic principle:
Food is a product of economic supply and demand, so try to figure out where the supplies are fresh, the suppliers are creative, and the demanders are informed.

- An Economist Gets Lunch

reasoning 논리, 추리

novel 새로운, 신기한, 기발한, 독창적인

counterintuitively 직관에 어긋나는

'Joy of reading' 카테고리의 다른 글

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