Joy of reading

나브라틸로바, 샤라포바에게 의구심 (2)

이산저산구름 2012. 2. 24. 18:09

나브라틸로바, 샤라포바에게 의구심 (2)



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Martina Navratilova doubts on Maria Sharapova and Hails Kvitova, Azarenka (2)

55-years old greatest tennis player, Navratilova while speaking about Sharapova has said that, she don’t know if Sharapova can be fit to compete with those two (Azarenka and Kvitova) because they’re stronger physically.

Earlier, Sharapova has been defeated against Victoria Azarenka in the finals of the 2012 Australian Open this season and against Kvitova, she has been defeated in the finals of the 2012 Wimbledon finals.

                                                                               -Live Tennis Guide

fit (몸이) 건강한, 탄탄한

compete 경쟁하다, 겨루다

defeat 패배시키다

final 결승전

[행복한 명작 읽기 Basic 4] 하늘을 나는 가방┃어머니 이야기 (5)
Chapter onE: A young and rich man

[행복한 명작 읽기 Basic 4]
하늘을 나는 가방┃어머니 이야기