줄리어스 시저(1) |
매주 금요일마다 찾아오는 Famous Stories! 옛날 이야기로 편안하고 즐겁게 영어를 공부해 보세요.
Nearly two thousand years ago there lived in Rome a man whose name was Julius Caesar. He was the greatest of all the Romans. Why was he so great? He was a brave warrior, and had conquered many countries for Rome. He was wise in planning and in doing. He knew how to make men both love and fear him. At last he made himself the ruler of Rome. Some said that he wished to become its king. But the Romans at that time did not believe in kings. |
warrior: 전사.
conquer: 정복하다.
how to: ∼하는 방법.
its king: 여기서 it는 로마를 가리킴.
at that time: 그 당시에.
believe in: ∼의 존재를 믿다. | |