Famous Stories

사자의 몫

이산저산구름 2010. 10. 1. 09:00

사자의 몫
매주 금요일마다 찾아오는 Famous Stories!
옛날 이야기로 편안하고 즐겁게 영어를 공부해 보세요.


The lion and some other Beasts once agreed to live peacefully together in the forest, sharing equally all the spoils of hunting. one day, a fine fat Stag fell into a snare set by the Goat, who thereupon called the rest together.
The lion divided the stag into four parts. Taking the best piece for himself, he said, "This is mine, of course, as I am the Lion." Taking another portion, he added, "This too is mine by right - the right , if you must know, of the strongest."
Further, putting aside the third piece, "That's for the most valiant," said he, "and as for the remaining part, touch it if you dare."

  • piece  조각
  • dare  감히~하다

  •  아는 문장도 큰소리로 자신있게 Say Say Say
       2  the way to + 동사원형
           ~하는 방법
       ▶ She wants to know the way to unlook the door.
           그 여자는 문을 여는 방법을 알고 싶어 해요.

    출처 : Say Say Say 교통&통신


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