Famous Stories

알리바바와 40인의 도둑 (7)

이산저산구름 2010. 2. 12. 10:11

알리바바와 40인의 도둑 (7)

매주 금요일마다 찾아오는 Famous Stories!
옛날 이야기로 편안하고 즐겁게 영어를 공부해 보세요.


About noon the thieves returned to the cave. He tried to get of danger, but he was caught and killed. They cut his body into four parts. When night came, Cassim's wife became very uneasy. She ran to Ali Baba and said,"My husband has not come back yet,What shall I do?"So Ali Baba set out for the forest to look for his brother. When he entered the cave, the first thing he saw was his dead brother.

  • uneasy : 불안한
  • danger : 위험



    p. 255
    먹다 eat; have; take; (먹어치우다) finish
    게걸스럽게 먹다 devour; (inf) guzzle; gobble; wolf(down)
    과식 overeating (f) gluttony
    급하게 먹다  ...

    출처: 덩어리 VOCA - 인간과 의식주 편